Did you find a better rate? Let us know and we'll see what we can do to match it!
Hourly Rates
In situations where a flat rate won't do
Flat Rates
Planned Services where per hour charges don't make sense.
Referral Rates
Refer a paying customer, I'll send you a bounty!
Service Rates:
Home - $80-100 /hr
Business - $100-150 /hr (additional hours discounted)
Remote Support - $35 /half-hr
Our office - $60 /hr
Your Home & Business - Let's talk
FREE Diagnostics in office
Tune-up (optimization)
includes clean-up (Virus / Malware)
OS Reinstall
Backup/Restore (Files)
Programs (re)install
Hardware changes (plus parts)
Managed IT per device or per user depending on needs
1st Referral - $5
2nd Referral - $10
3rd Referral - $15
>10 Paid Referrals - I'll try to hire you
Don't see what you need here? Just ask. We do that too!